Friday, November 26, 2010

Pick a Card, Any Card!

Typically by Thanksgiving I'm already completely prepared for Christmas...but not this year! A pregnancy full of limits this year and now a newborn in the house makes for three kids ages three and under, so I've not excelled at holiday preparation! OY! Though nothing is wrapped yet, most of our gift shopping is actually done. Now I just need to think about Christmas cards!

One of my favorite places to create our annual cards and personalized gifts is Shutterfly! From them we can get:

*Photo Books (we can give these as brag books for grandparents!):

*Photo Mugs (would be perfect for relatives to see our smiley baby w/ each cup o' joe!):

*Canvas Wall Art (these are cooler than a boring framed photo!):

Shutterfly currently has an incredible bloggers promotion for web-writers to attain 50 FREE holiday cards! Here's more information about that offer: How great that would be for me---I have a blog, and I need Christmas cards!!!

Look at all these choices:! I think the Pretty Poinsettia Print is sweet!

I can't wait to send out cards and to collect them from our friends and family as well! Hope to hear from you!